Winter Break Milwaukee 2025 happened Feb 8 at Bradford Beach and Feb 15 at Havenwoods State Forest.

About 600 people turned up to be active outdoors together.

“So cool that all rentals were free. We loved the crafts, dog sled ride (and petting the dogs), snowshoeing, petting the snake, tasting the tea. So fun!!”

— Anonymous Feedback from the Post-Event Survey

📷 All Photos by Double You Photography

Activities from 2025

  • Dog Sled Demos

    At both events, the Milwaukee Mushers, aka dog sledders, and their rescue pups were running. At the second event, they were able to give out 2 hours worth of rides for attendees. People also enjoyed watching the dogs run and giving them praise and pets.

    A team of sled dogs running through the snow, the sled with a female musher driving it, and another person riding in the basket.
  • Tea Workshop for the Haters

    Lizz from Tootsies Teas changed a lot of minds when it came to tea. She held an interactive workshop on how various plants can help you get through winter, and taught brewing and preparation techniques.

    A loose leaf tea brewing in a clear glass mug.
  • Fat Tire Bike Rides and Demos

    Wheel & Sprocket attended the Havenwoods State Forest and had 5 Fat Tire Bikes for anyone to test drive. Group rides were at both events and included those who borrowed bikes and people who brought there own.

    Two people on fat tire bikes race along a bike path in the winter
  • Nordic Walking

    Many people were able to try Nordic walking. It’s like walking, but a whole body workout. You apply force with the walking poles which engages the upper body. It also allows you to cheat stability.

    A group of people out for a nordic walk, that is, a walk with two poles for stability.
  • Animal Footprint Scavenger Hunt

    At Havenwoods, we had an all ages scavenger hunt using plaster-cast animal tracks that lead to the animal (puppet) that made them. The fresh snow made this activity more challenging and fun.

    The snowy ground, scattered with plaster molds of the front feet and back feet of an unknown medium animal.
  • Fireside Poetry

    Johnny Types Ink, a personalized typewriter poetry experience, joined us inside at the Havenwoods Education Center. Johnny composed on the spot poetry from attendees words, emotions, and stories and spun it into beauty.

    A smiling man in a cap and scarf sits at a table with a typewriter. The sign behind him says 'typewriter poetry'.
  • Documentary: Wild Side

    Many guest warmed up in the theater inside the Educational Center with a documentary film about Wild Ice Skating, aka speed skating on frozen lakes. Brian Hansen is an American Olympic Speed Skater who usually hangs out at the Pettit National Ice Center. When the conditions are just right, he ventures out onto wild ice on Lake Michigan.

    A movie poster featuring a speed skater skating on a frozen lake. The film poster has three award icons for the different film festivals that it won at.
  • Bonfires with a Backdrop

    Good times with great views happened around the stoves. Bonfires were placed to warm hands, roast marshmallows and eat s’mores, and serve as a gathering place to meet new and old friends.

    A solo stove bonfire pit burns in front of a beautiful outdoor backdrop
  • MKE Bento

    MKE Bento was on site offering a special winter menu. The reviews were outstanding and the hot food was a great addition to a cold winter day. Offerings included dumplings, rice bowls, hot sandwiches, and spicy noodles. MKE Bento is “Fresh, local flavors in a box. Handcrafted meals for your on-the-go lifestyle.” Vegan options were also available.

    A dish of spicy noodles and chicken katsu, with 4 different sides including kimchi and edamame.
  • Crafts with Brush Box

    Lots of people visited Brush Box, located inside at the Havenwoods location. Participants received a blank hanging and an abundance of art supplies to decorate and execute their creative vision. Brush Box is an immersive arts company focused on bringing access to art materials and inspiring creativity for all age and ability levels.

    A woman behind a table is holding craft kits up for the camera. On the table is a shelf with various art projects.
  • Bird Walk and Duck Watching

    Bird City Milwaukee was at both events. At Bradford Beach, they had scopes out for duck spotting. At Havenwoods they held a 1 hour bird walk ending at the small pond. Havenwoods provided binoculars and monoculars. People commented that they enjoyed this new activity and would start to notice the different birds in their neighborhood.

    A woman looks through binoculars in front of a pine forest.
  • Decorating a Walking Stick

    The internet recently caught on to what The Ice Age Trail Alliance has known for a long time: the appeal of a Very Good Stick. They had sticks ready for decorating with yarn and ribbon. People then took them out on the trails to test them out. This activity was done by all ages - anyone who appreciates a Very Good Stick. #sticknation #sticktok

    A group of adults and kids are standing around with their own walking sticks, wrapped in colorful yarn.
  • Havenwoods Birthday Celebration

    Did you know this year Havenwoods State Forest turns 45 Years old? Friends of Havenwoods turned 50 years old and Wisconsin State Parks turned 125 years old. We celebrated the event with cake and singing.

  • Snowshoeing

    Havenwoods had many pairs of snowshoes for adults and kids available to borrow for free. The Havenwoods folks got everyone set up with the correct size and provided tips on how to be successful. The deep snow made this activity a hit!

  • Winter Surfing

    Daniel the surfer explained and demonstrated the basics of Winter Surfing on Lake Michigan. He demystified the gear that he uses when surfing, and showed how to properly get into a wetsuit to keep yourself warm. He also showed off some of his moves in the water, and offered free lessons to anyone who came to see him.

    A man tightens some cords on his wetsuit.

Weekend 1 - Sat, Feb 8, 2025
@ Bradford Beach

All photographs by DoubleYou Photography. Purchase prints here.

Weekend 2 - Saturday, February 15, 2025
@ Havenwoods State Forest

All photographs by DoubleYou Photography. Purchase prints here.